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Struggling to get going with the 1st launch

  1. None of the above
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Luke Skyflyer
Hi there and first of all thank you for the great content in this forum and on this website!
I am a very new player and love it, it has been super helpful browsing the content :)

I have now successfully collected all the items for my green launch pad and can theoretically start with the first launch.
I know however that I need to collect these 1600 points but I am struggling to get more items from Cape Canaveral or finding neighbours with planetariums / research labs.
I have sent requests to many players with a lot of these buildings but I guess it takes time for them to accept it, if they even do.

Would you recommend me waiting for a neighbour to start a launch and join then? But this could take a while
Or would you rather recommend that I start my own launch and share it in the forum here?
So far I have around 500 points accumulated. My friend code is: 32UJDKRVS if you want to support :) (user name: Luke Skyflyer).

Thanks for your help!
Hi there and first of all thank you for the great content in this forum and on this website!
I am a very new player and love it, it has been super helpful browsing the content :)

I have now successfully collected all the items for my green launch pad and can theoretically start with the first launch.
I know however that I need to collect these 1600 points but I am struggling to get more items from Cape Canaveral or finding neighbours with planetariums / research labs.
I have sent requests to many players with a lot of these buildings but I guess it takes time for them to accept it, if they even do.

Would you recommend me waiting for a neighbour to start a launch and join then? But this could take a while
Or would you rather recommend that I start my own launch and share it in the forum here?
So far I have around 500 points accumulated. My friend code is: 32UJDKRVS if you want to support :) (user name: Luke Skyflyer).

Thanks for your help!
Welcome to the forum, Luke! I have sent you a friend request so you can visit the buildings in my city. I like to visit cosmic fuel stations to get more launch collections. The collection items from planetariums do not drop as readily, but you get more coins for the collections. I have 6 of each.

I recommend only launching with people you can communicate with. That way everyone knows what position in the launch they are going for, no one adds too many points, and no one gets their feelings hurt. I suggest checking out the Launch Chat at the top of the forum page to see if anyone is launching and to talk with those who are launching (see screenshots below). Let us know if you need any more help. Happy flying!


  1. iPad
Friend Code
Hi Luke, I have sent you a friend request. I am also fairly new to the game and so far have only done launches alone. Hopefully you were successful in getting the launch completed. If you're interested in teaming up to do more launches, I'm up for it. I also have a blue launch open right now. I posted in the chat but I'm not sure it is visible, as it was my first time communicating here.


350+ Star Club
Your neighbor visits each day ( 5 + 1free ) until you reach reputation level 10 is important. This way, you can hit 12 neighbors (max possible) for 6 buildings each or 72 buildings each day. I assume you will be focused on Green launch needing 1600 points.


For the time being, I would not hit planetariums ( until you are ready for Red launch ) but focus on above blue Training Centers only. They will provide 4 items needed to start launch. As you complete a sets needed for launch, you will also collect Launch Ready box.


Also, after you get your feet wet with 1-2 Green launches, focus on top position (put 900+ points to secure your 1st spot ) for Alien Legacy buildings. Focus on 1st spot launches until you collect 6 buildings. These will produce items needed for Green launch each day.

Although you only get 6 items from 6 buildings, they are guaranteed. So, it is more like hitting 2-3 neighbors with 12-18 training centers.


Good luck collecting!
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