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Quantum Leap


350+ Star Club
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I was wondering what the benefit of the QL is. Does it do anything than speeding up a launch? What is the point of that? I'm not that desperate for my launch to return! It is just one day. Sometimes I see it in the bank for a ridiculous price. I have some QLs from completing collections but never used them because it's like... why. I don't get why they are sought after. Any insight would be great. I might be missing something obvious, but it seems so useless. This is a slow burn game... what benefit does expediting a launch have? 🤔


600+ Star Club
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03j2z0gz (PM me when adding, or your request might get deleted)
1. The boxes contain Silver Tokens and FUEL
2. If you have minimum 2QL, it only takes 15mins. If it’s with 3QL, it takes 1,5 mins. 4QL: instant return!!!! You can gather LOTS of fuel that way
3. If you’re launching Red, the coin you’ll get is great. Imagine captaining 50 Red Launch in a day = 1M coins & 50 F300 Barrels
4. And (also for Red Launch) that’s not counting the Golden Chests you’ll get for completing the collections. Golden Chests = Gold Tokens
5. It’s really fun to be part of QL Party


1000+ Star Club
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Musketeers Alliance
There is one event (Riding the Comet) that you have to do 10 launches in 7 days. So that's one great reason.

@VdW mentioned some great reasons. Two of my favorite reasons for doing lots of launches in a short period of time
- every chest from a launch (regardless of what place you are in the launch) comes with fuel for the warehouse. So it's a good way to replenish your warehouse quickly
- every chest contains at least one silver token which are needed for hangar upgrades, grand hotels, charging visa centers and premium planes

Especially with red launches, it's a great way to earn coins quickly. If you participate in a QL party and get 5th place or higher for 20 launches, you will earn a minimum of 80,000 coins. If you get 3rd or higher in even two of those 20 launches, you are easily up over 100,000 coins ... in about an hour.

Here is a table of rewards for launching https://www.airportcitygame.com/threads/launch-rewards.36597/


350+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Ok thanks for all the replies! This helps. But I guess I'm still in no great rush to complete things or accumulate tokens. I also have so many of those accumulated and have never used them 😂 But all your insights are useful!


1000+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
Musketeers Alliance
Ok thanks for all the replies! This helps. But I guess I'm still in no great rush to complete things or accumulate tokens. I also have so many of those accumulated and have never used them 😂 But all your insights are useful!
We will be doing a QL party on Wednesday the 23rd. You are welcome to join. Then you can see how you feel after that ;)


1100+ Star Club
  1. iPad
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We will be doing a QL party on Wednesday the 23rd. You are welcome to join. Then you can see how you feel after that ;)
QFT. I had no idea these things existed and ground hard for quite some time until I discovered this forum and launch parties. They are soooo much fun. Do use the chat feature too. It's a great way to meet other players. 🚀

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