Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Getting friends

Friends (neighbors) are a very important part of Airport City. Without them, you won't be able to complete tasks or some events. And you will have a hard time gathering launch items without regular visits to your neighbors' cities.

But not all neighbors are the same. You will need to have several different kinds of friends to progress through the game.

Look for neighbors that you can communicate with. This forum and chat are a great way to do that. Some people don't have any friends that are not a member of this forum.

And most importantly, ASK somebody to be their neighbor. Many (including me) delete unsolicited friend requests.
GIFT EXCHANGE:The first type of friend you want is those you can exchange gifts with daily. Be careful how you choose these people. Some people gravitate towards adding the most experienced players and sending them gifts in the hopes of getting them returned. This approach will not serve you well. The maximum amount of gifts anybody can send in a day is 30. Players who have been around a while are already exchanging gifts with 30 people every day. Many high level players already have 500 neighbors (which is the maximum) so don't have room for more. And many high level players don't look at gifts for days. Plus the high level players can't send you the building items you need for your level 3 control tower or level 4 town hall.

So when looking for friends to exchange gifts with daily
  • Look for people who are also looking for daily gift exchange partners
  • Look for people who are working at the same level as you are. They will more likely be working on the same buildings so will be able to exchange building items with you
Keep track of who is sending you gifts. It should come as no surprise that there are deadbeats in this game who will take all your gifts and send nothing in return. You should get your fair share.
REGULAR DAILY BUILDING VISITS:Through the game, there are side missions for you to complete. These require you to visit buildings in your neighbor's cities. For buildings like Car Dealerships, you could visit almost anybody. But for some higher level buildings, you may have to look around for them. For the record, Madlen Airborn's city has almost everything so you should never be stuck. Find out what the buildings look like by visiting the wiki https://www.airportcitygame.com/wiki/buildings/.

You should look for neighbors that have space buildings, especially planetariums. These are required to gather items to launch space missions ... and planetariums give the best drops for high value collections.

There are threads in the forum looking for neighbors with planetariums. The search feature should help you find them easily. Most importantly, ASK PEOPLE if they will accept your friend request. Many won't without a prior introduction.

These are probably not the neighbors you can gift with daily. You should look for a few dozen of these players to have a range of cities to look for those obscure buildings
EVENT VISITS:During events, there is often a requirement to visit buildings in neighbors' cities. But don't just assume a high level player will have a full complement of event buildings. Many don't play the events. They've already done them multiple times.

Some people ALWAYS pull out event buildings and make sure they are easy to spot during events. Make sure you have at least a dozen of these players in your friend list.

When you get to launching rockets, you will find that it can be hard to do on your own. Launching takes a lot of fuel ... and there is 2nd place, 3rd place and so on (really we haven't found a bottom place) that gets rewards for launching. This is by design. You can do a lot more launches when you have launch partners and you get a reward regardless of whether you are first or 40th in a launch.

But beware. There are people who would like to always take advantage of YOUR rocket fuel so they can get a first place and the highest reward more easily. These are not friends you want to have. There are people who will hijack your launch (steal your first place). Delete these people immediately.

Look for launch partners that want to work with you for mutual reward. They support you taking first place sometimes and you support them taking first place sometimes.


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@Husam I can't make posts sticky.
This by Moderators i can do it but not now because i want @Dave to see it maybe he add it in the system some how to show up for the new members joining the forum.
Also maybe he have a good place for this guide to show it for the members in the forum.
I tag him lets wait for his reply ;)
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