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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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  • hi.would you kindly pleaase help me.i send gifts for my neighbors,but unfortunately i do not receive any gifts in rrturn,,,
    Hi Chazzy999 Fr's sent from Retren, Retren2 and SP14
    Pls accept for future launches if you are so inclined :)
    Hi! Question: Is Meeka still an active player, because I couldn't visit his city anymore.
    He is still in the alliance but hasn't done any flights this week and ZZZ by his name means we can't visit.
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    Reactions: Ekenna
    Hi! I just joined your alliance ' Royal Allies'. Can I have your friend code, please? I read somewhere that it's usefull to be friends with your alliance members.
    Never mind! I found how to add you without the code. Invite is send!
    Helen Mc
    Helen Mc
    I have 2 accounts Helen1 is 04tab6aa
    Helen2 is Helen Mc
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    Reactions: Ekenna
    That is brilliant news and a very big welcome! You probably won't get your first tasks until next Monday, though. My friend code is 04tw835l (That is an L at the end not a 1)
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    Reactions: Ekenna
    Hi Chazzy, things are a bit boring at the moment with the maintenance going on. Hope that they aren’t too much longer. Hopefully I’ll find my way around this forum quickly. Lovely to chat with you ☺️
    Yay! The maintenance has just finished and you get some great bonuses! It doesn't take long to find your way around. Angie helped me.
    Yes, live in Dublin City. I know only one other Irish player. But there’s probably tons out there. Lol :)
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