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Cosmic Blue
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  • User name = J!G@R
    Neighbour code = aubwfsr

    I am new here so please friends send me the request i will be waiting of your request :sick:
    Cosmic I have you as one of my neighbors and have been visiting you from time to time. You like me have no launch site yet and seem to have achieved your level without spending any "REAL" money. I'm impressed!
    Be on the lookout today about 12 EST to see if you get FUEL ADDITIVE and I will visit and tap properties that others don't usually visit... 3 burger joints, the opera, and your newspaper building.
    Great! Received the fuel (thank you) and power source is on the way... hopefully it went through this time.
    I sent a neighbor request from here and hopefully that will work. I didn't receive a gift and guess you didn't receive power source either?
    No problem - but you need to send a message with your signature on as I can't see what you need?

    Hi - got your message about sandbags - what do you need for the terminal and training centre and I will see what I can do?
    hi CB, I just joined because I've been looking for 4 Great Shots for ages. Maybe you can help me out. I'm only level 23, but maybe there's something I can help you out with.
    Hi! Just sent you a neighbour request... Seems iOS players can't gift aerosols, if you are able to send them any help with these would be much appreciated :)
    Happy to send Leyden jars, bright lanterns or any other item from my list!
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