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Suggestion Vacation or Break Announcements

While we tend to put these in our game name, such as "Away", "Break" or "Back July 30", at times we cannot identify who that neighbour is due to the lack of space in game name. This is rather frustrating, so having a forum location to offer more details would be handy.

There may be a situation where a player has neighbours they wish to keep but will be travelling for an extended period (As I will be next year) and they need to specify more details regarding their break.
I for one feel this would be invaluable, however, if one is just taking a couple of days off, probably no need to post that in the forums.

Let me know if this is possible please.


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yes it would be handy to know where to add it as I'll be away in October for about 10 days and it's always a tech free break we just take a basic phone that has no internet connection we can only use it to call and text our families and that's it and it really is a refreshing time away from all the tech we have and use during every day life
yes it would be handy to know where to add it as I'll be away in October for about 10 days and it's always a tech free break we just take a basic phone that has no internet connection we can only use it to call and text our families and that's it and it really is a refreshing time away from all the tech we have and use during every day life
Did you noticed what I’ve done in my profile? Take a look at that blue box under my name
Please share how - like this approach
Filling that field marked below, on your account details
I think some haven't thought this through.
Putting announcements on your signature page isn't enough, as many won't bother looking you up to see what break or vacation details are listed.
The game name doesn't have the space to put something like On vacation or moving until...., back soon or a given date- Especially if your game name is fairly long, plus items you need.

A dedicated forum section is the best solution.
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