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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. PoorOldJim

    Rock the Sky 2024 Award

  2. PoorOldJim

    Easter Cheer 2024 Award

    Completed another one.
  3. PoorOldJim

    Valley of the Kings Curse 2024 Award

    Just under the wire,
  4. PoorOldJim

    Winter Dream 2023 Award

    Last completion of the year.
  5. PoorOldJim

    Windows Internet Connection Issue

    I am running AC on a Windows 10 Desktop. I have been running it for over 4 years on the same machine. A month or so ago, my game suddenly could not connect to the internet although every other app running on the machine could. I tried a number of things to correct the situation including...
  6. PoorOldJim

    Thanksgiving Day 2023 Award

    Thankfully finished.
  7. PoorOldJim

    Airport City 2023 Award

    Another completed event.
  8. PoorOldJim

    Dark Skies 2023 Award

    Another last minute finish.
  9. PoorOldJim

    Down the Rabbit Hole 2023 Award

    Finished early this time.
  10. PoorOldJim

    Celestial Festival 2023 Award

    Another quest completed.
  11. PoorOldJim

    Age of Ash 2023 Award

    Completed another event! Even though my third task has had me waiting for the entire event for a single drop from the volcano.
  12. PoorOldJim

    Rock The Sky 2023 Award

    Surprised myself by completing this one.
  13. PoorOldJim

    Riding The Comet 2023 Award

    I finished this one too!
  14. PoorOldJim

    General G! Ignoring Cheaters

    GI doesn't care about cheaters. Look at the top alliance this week. Their top 4 players have 64.6,59.2,52.1 and 49.7 MILLION passengers each. To get 64.6 million passengers one would have to send 8.5 condors per minute for the entire week. That would consume 14.6 million barrels of fuel...
  15. PoorOldJim

    Easter Cheer 2023 Award

    Another one completed!
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