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Blue Launch LAUNCHED!

  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
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Have invested 1096 - second and third are up for grabs. If any QLs join I will launch more today that will have first place available (I have run out of PEBs for now )
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
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I was going to start a new launch but then saw Cam has one so joined that as I dont have many large items now
Mine was 2 mins as well, but I only saw your 2 QL - is it quicker as it I a blue???? Maybe a 3rd joined and we launched before they added points????
It should have been about 15 min. - same on all color launches. All I could figure was that even tho @gbswales QL showed expired, it was still working.??:confused::confused: I didn't see anyone else on the launch - but it was so fast - who knows! The timers are often out of whack on QL's. I activated both of mine at the same time yesterday, but they expired 25 minutes apart.
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