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LAUNCHED but read last posting for info about next flight

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  2. Windows PC
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Using up the last of my QL so need to launch asap - currently 1096 however I am going to add points until it launches so you will need to be quick to take first place if you want it.
If anyone has a QL to add then please message me as we could get another couple of launches in, after this one before the QL expires - I wont mind which colour they are
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
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Thanks @Captain WH Rollins and @Mike47 for launch - I will am inviting anyone with a QL to join me for at least one more in two hours time. I will only have 1hr 20 min left on my QL then so we will need at least one more QL - the first QL to join is allowed first place. I don't mind which colour the launch is - I just want to maximise launches on the QL.
Once I have at least one QL on board I will advertise the flight to speed the launch - in which case we could get more than one completed in the time.

Please PM me in advance if you would like to join
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