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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Search results

  1. P

    Special WINDOWS PLAYERS - Riding The Comet April 2021 Award

    Thank you for your information. That's all I was looking for is information. Did not mean to upset the fan forum. Just wanted information.
  2. P

    Special WINDOWS PLAYERS - Riding The Comet April 2021 Award

    Forgive me for not understanding everything about the game and thank you for the medal, but what is a medal? How do I access the medal? The medal that was granted to me for being a Windows user and not being able to play Ride the Comet. I did find it listed under my profile Airport City Awards...
  3. P

    Special WINDOWS PLAYERS - Riding The Comet April 2021 Award

    I am requesting my award for missing out on the Ride the Comet event because I am a Windows user. May I please receive an award?
  4. P

    Special WINDOWS PLAYERS - Riding The Comet April 2021 Award

    Hi I am Pilot205zijnnk I am a windows player. May I please get my award?
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