Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. E

    After level 80, is there any point on continue playing?

    Many good advices guys, thanks. First: I've done the weekly alliance destinations, 3/3, for 21 of the last 24 weeks. Even very hard ones, that required setting alarm clocks at odd hours during the night "to take off again". I've never done the alliance purple maps, or the adventure or the...
  2. E

    After level 80, is there any point on continue playing?

    Hello everyone. I'm a few hours short of arriving to Level 80. It took me 11 months to be there. I'm also in a top 40 alliance, I have 13 planes (including 3 condors) flying at least 20 hours every day. I move between 70 and 90k passengers a week. Not a lot but the best I can do without...
  3. E

    iOS Ad Videos crash the game

    It has completely stopped working. I've tried over 35 times today. nothing.
  4. E

    Weekend Code for 29th May 2020

    2000 coins and 3 greenies!
  5. E

    QL Party Friend Requests

    I've added 18 of you. If you care to add me, 030y6mvxb
  6. E

    How do you launch multiple QL?

    I don't know how to do more than one, and I see people sending many more. The new mission requires 10 launches and offers about 5 days to finish it. Don't know how if you cant launch more than once.
  7. E

    Welcome eielef to Airport City Game!

    thank you!
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