Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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  1. Paddy

    Reserve Hangar level 1,2 & 3

    Reserve Hangar Level 1 Reserve Hangar Level 2 Reserve Hangar Level 3 Available to EVERYONE as long as you play Facebook version
  2. Paddy

    Ideas for NEW buildings

    @Gt city Would it be possible to start a thread about new buildings that players would like to see added to Airport City? As Airport City is made in Russia, the first building that comes into my mind is the Kremlin so how about having that as a new building + it looks fantastic..
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