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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. Fenric82

    Oil Refinery (Level 4)

    GI allowed a further improvement of the oil refinery.
  2. Fenric82

    Purchase of land

    Had you realized that GI enabled the possibility of buying more land? 5 more spaces to be more exact..
  3. Fenric82

    Golden Globe Alliance

    How is it possible that just days after the cut was made, his players have already produced absurd numbers? It smells like cheaters.
  4. Fenric82

    AC Neighbors Alliance...

    The AC Neighbors Alliance is needing two pilots who are committed to fulfilling two weekly tasks and who fly more than 80 thousand passengers. If you are interested, contact me.
  5. Fenric82

    AC Neighbors Alliance: Recruitment

    AC NEIGHBORS Alliance is looking for two pilots who commit to carrying out two weekly tasks, no matter what level they have. If it sounds familiar to you and you accept the challenge: Write to me! Fenric82 ID: 33EA8YSEF
  6. Fenric82

    The "Age of Ash" event

    The "Age of Ash" event is not available on the official GI app for AC. It works on all other platforms and even on the Windows Store version.
  7. Fenric82

    New Group Created - AC Neighbors

    Fenric82 has created a new group called AC Neighbors.
  8. Fenric82


    How is it possible for an alliance to get more than 200 million passengers a week? It is an absurd figure in the game and the last straw is that the first 10 in the ratings do not drop below 60 million. It is a tireless fight that they have. GI does nothing about it.
  9. Fenric82

    Hasta cuándo el problema en la clasificación?

    Cómo es posible que una alianza consiga más de 200 mil millones de pasajeros a la semana? Ni jugando las 24 horas del día los 7 días de la semana se obtiene esa cifra. Y GI hace nada al respecto.
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