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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Recent content by Simondo

  1. Simondo

    Looking to join an alliance.

    After having no luck with getting decent numbers for my own alliances I'd like to join an existing one. Anyone looking for a new member? Not sure exactly how many passengers I move but I'm a daily player and then some so I'm sure it's plenty! Let me know of any vacancies. Or send an invite my...
  2. Simondo

    Age of Ash

    I've sent hundreds of flights to Cold War destinations and have only had one single item drop. I've used up all my bonuses trying to coax items to drop. The stated drop rates are clearly nonsense and the actual drop rates are very closely and secretly adjusted.
  3. Simondo

    Full for now, Top 50 alliance

    I've sent a request to join. Hope that's ok. I'm not sure how many passengers I move but it must be a lot because I spend quite a lot (maybe too much!) of time every day playing.
  4. Simondo

    iOS Guide to all the different maps?

    Yes but you have to use a map to do that. And if that flight requires a plane which you don't have then you have to change all your planes to make full use of that map which obviously costs a lot of coins. So that's why I'd love to have seen a list that will show what map requires what plane and...
  5. Simondo

    iOS Guide to all the different maps?

    Hello people. I was wondering if there is some sort of guide somewhere that has a list of all the different maps by destination and includes info like their flight time, type of plane required and what item is needed to fly such as spare propeller. I've had a look around but can't seem to see...
  6. Simondo

    iOS Username Issue Resolved - I Don't Think So ! ! !

    Thanks. I had to use airport cash in the end. :( Sorry if I'm going off on a tangent but I often get a notification to say the my friends need help launching their rockets. But I don't know how I can help?
  7. Simondo

    iOS Username Issue Resolved - I Don't Think So ! ! !

    Really bloody angry about this. I've had to helplessly watch the Space Mission timer tick down and not be able to do anything about it because I haven't been able to complete the Running Wild collection. Was waiting for Wristbands but I've not found any so far and I won't be able to visit more...
  8. Simondo

    iOS Username Issue Resolved - I Don't Think So ! ! !

    I don't see how it's such a difficult issue to fix? These guys are making a fortune and their game is so full of bugs it's unreal. But it's been like that since I started player last summer so I think if it was ever going to be fixed they'd have done it by now. Their priority is thinking of ways...
  9. Simondo

    Space Mission on iOS

    It's really awful. I'm running out of time and I can't complete the running wild collection either. Nothing drops from residential buildings as it's meant to and I have only 3 neighbours that have training centres and only twice has anything dropped from them.
  10. Simondo

    No flights to Barcelona or Las Vegas

    I'm having the same issue. By the way I've just added some of you. I need more neighbours since I can't visit any of them that are called "username" which is most of them. Absolute shambles.
  11. Simondo

    So many buildings I don't recognise

    Thanks guys. Appreciate the input. On an unrelated note (probably not worthy of it's own thread) I was just updating my sig to ask for spare wires as I was still running flights to Sydney looking for the Kangaroo. Then I hit 100 stars and it finally dropped! So now I just need the Lute.
  12. Simondo

    Who has Rock Shops?

    I need a Lute too! Then I will have completed both the super bonuses.
  13. Simondo

    So many buildings I don't recognise

    Looks like it's different on the iPad version then because as I've said there's no option anywhere to buy mystery buildings.
  14. Simondo

    So many buildings I don't recognise

    But I can't build either of them. I don't have the options available.
  15. Simondo

    So many buildings I don't recognise

    Hello. Recently I've been getting random people add me as neighbours every so often (who I don't think are from this community) and that never happened before. Also some of them have personalised their profile picture and are clearly able to change their names (which they use to specify desired...
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