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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Recent content by Sei

  1. Sei

    Repair Slots

    Kind of "stupid" advise (deja vu). When you upgrade you have 4 slots. As far as I remember after opening repair base first time after upgrade you see slots 2-4. Try to slide them to see 1-3. I'm not sure if this is true, but I think that it was like this in my case.
  2. Sei

    Android cannot add friends

    I can't see you on my list. I had message that someone want to be my neighbour but nothing more. When I lunched game I got 400 coins. I also added you by entering your code. I get 100 coins for that. Can you see if my invitation appeared on your list?
  3. Sei

    Android cannot add friends

    So here is my code ("your friends code to be exact): a4jrfwd Username: Sei I have checked once more and nobody in waiting tab has green tick. And of course thanks everyone for help.
  4. Sei

    Android cannot add friends

    It is possible. I dont remember if it was after instalation or just before. Judging from your question it was rather after. So what is solution now. Is there any? EDIT: Insulting me is rather hard. Sometimes everyones do "stupidq" mistakes like unpluged power cable. I've chcecked friends menu...
  5. Sei

    Android cannot add friends

    Hmmm... Not recently. I was born in XX century, now I live in XXI. I didn't saw dinosaurs, mammoths nor barbarians. No Star Trek voyages recently. More seriously: what do you mean?
  6. Sei

    Android cannot add friends

    I cannot add any friends. I was trying to do this by code. Code.was accepted, but no one appeared on neighbours list. Sometimes I get notification that someone added me to friends and I should launch game to accept invitation. But i cannot find any invitations in game. Am I doing something wrong?
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