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Recent content by Paddy

  1. Paddy

    Country Flag

    I don't thInk I would pay REAL MONEY to Game Insight, there are so many negative comments towards GI (that they only want money & never seem to sort out the time travelling issue) that its not worth the risk, but having a flag of Ireland in my Dublin Airport would be cool.
  2. Paddy

    Reserve Hangar level 1,2 & 3

    @Airport city cheat No I have't, what does it look like? How many planes does it hold?
  3. Paddy

    Reserve Hangar level 1,2 & 3

    Reserve Hangar Level 1 Reserve Hangar Level 2 Reserve Hangar Level 3 Available to EVERYONE as long as you play Facebook version
  4. Paddy

    Sunshine bay

    Is Sunshine Bay (mobile) still being developed???
  5. Paddy

    Guess The New Airport City Destinations!

    I can't see hundreds of new city destinations becoming available maybe 10-20 max, if you look at the start of the year there was a post saying that a reserve hangar is close (7 months later it's still not here) if it takes so long for ONE reserve hangar to go mobile how long will it take for 10...
  6. Paddy

    Ideas for NEW buildings

    @airport citywide Do you have any buildings you would like to see added to airport city?
  7. Paddy

    Ideas for NEW buildings

    @Gt city Bran castle looks great, I'd like to see that in airport city, As forum members see this post they might add their favourite buildings & eventually we could have a vote, maybe the game developers will add the winning building(s) to the game
  8. Paddy

    Ideas for NEW buildings

    I came across this building so I thought I'd add it, It's the Kelvingrove art gallery in Glasgow
  9. Paddy

    Ideas for NEW buildings

    A few more ideas of buildings in Dublin, The Four Courts Trinity College St Patrick's cathedral & lastly the cathedral in Mullingar
  10. Paddy

    Ideas for NEW buildings

    @Gt city Would it be possible to start a thread about new buildings that players would like to see added to Airport City? As Airport City is made in Russia, the first building that comes into my mind is the Kremlin so how about having that as a new building + it looks fantastic..
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