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HD*(what I need)



Username: HD*whatIneed
Level: 35 Stars: 128 Hearts: 7
Friend Code: 6d0tph

I need video boards for the Stadiums so I can finish building some of them. I also need more goal posts. Other than that I am set with everything else right now.

Hope everyone is well! THANKS!!

Items I Can Send: Additional Radar, Album, Amperemeter, Archive Box, ATM, Bath Towel, Cockpit Glass, Cognac, Cooling Chamber, Deicer, Flight Catering, Flight Helmet, Fuel (3 Units), Fuel Additives, Fuel Hose, Fuel Supply, Grinding Machine, Goal Posts, Gyroscope, Handling Line, Jet Engine, Landing Gear, Landing Lamp, Laser Cutter, Navigation Module, Oscillating Beacon, Passengers (10), Pearl Earrings, Power Source, Powerful Radio Transmitter, Radar, Spare Propeller, Spare Wire, Stapler, Welder, White Gold Bracelet.
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