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Recent content by DeWinter

  1. DeWinter

    8.13 Preview (now in color)

    Great reply. I've learned a lot of things. Thanks !
  2. DeWinter

    8.13 Preview (now in color)

    I really appreciate your constructive answers and the time you took to talk about that. As a new player and new member of this forum, coming from games where we used to have this kind of scenario it's confusing. While I think that he gaming industry changed a lot, I also understand players...
  3. DeWinter

    8.13 Preview (now in color)

    I do agree of course. I've talked about disrespect beacause players saying "bullshit updates" "NEWB" are just frustrated players in a gaming world they no longer understand. Oooof couurse the game needs better updates. Clever updates. "Useful" and novating updates. I'm trying to remind...
  4. DeWinter

    8.13 Preview (now in color)

    You guys seem a bit respectless so let's start right away... I'm not sure GI's a team of 2k devs, and you know what ? You guys are right. You are a maximum of 5% of the players and so probably less than 10% of GI's revenue. Don't complain about the lack of updates for lvl 80+ content. You've...
  5. DeWinter

    8.13 Preview (now in color)

    If I remember, when I first looked at S2 planes when I started the game 10 days ago, S2 where already locked for players who don't have an alliance. So I guess it's just like before ? Is it gonna be new items or pre-existing ones ? I just hope there will be a ton of pre-determined paints as...
  6. DeWinter

    8.13 Preview (now in color)

    Exactly ! What's your friend code btw ? -> DM ! <3 DW.
  7. DeWinter

    8.13 Preview (now in color)

    Yeah I'm kinda afraid of that. I just hope there will be "blue and red" for making the PSG colors (Paris Saint-Germain <3). But yeah I don't think it will be customizable af. I think it will be highly limited. Also, I don't think we'll be able to select where the colors are. It will only be the...
  8. DeWinter

    8.13 Preview (now in color)

    I do not agree with the majority of the comments. Yes, there are many bugs and things that need to be fixed, but I think that personalization is a super feature ! It's really cool to have this new tool ! :D Can't wait to use it ! It's perfect, I'll create the perfect plane for my football team...
  9. DeWinter

    Pour les francophones

    EN : Ok, I was saving for the building that I would translate for "On flight meal kitchen building" lol but I'll get the Water Park right now so I'll save quicker next time ! :D FR : Ok, j'étais en train d'économiser pour le bâtiment de Restauration Aérienne mais je vais d'abord payer le Parc...
  10. DeWinter

    Pour les francophones

    Merci pour ta réponse très complète ! :D Mes objectifs, même si cela ne fait que 5 jours que je joue sont très clairs : - Faire de ma ville, une ville de foot (soccer) en réunissant tous les bâtiments sur ce thème (ça va être très compliqué voire impossible je sais mdrr) - Atteindre le TOP100...
  11. DeWinter

    Pour les francophones

    EN : I've already visited many times this thread, very useful ! So, do you guys think I should buy the Water Park ? I've seen some people syaing there's better buildings to speed with ads on other threads. Anyway thanks for answering ! :D FR : Je suis allé plusieurs fois sur ce thread, il est...
  12. DeWinter

    Pour les francophones

    Bonjour, bonsoir ! Je suis un débutant sur le jeu, je l'ai téléchargé il y a seulement 5 jours ! J'ai déjà 54H de jeu et je suis niveau 26 ! J'suis un peu à la recherche de conseils, d'astuces, pour soit gagner de l'argent plus vite, soit mieux gérer son aéroport de manière générale. Hâte...
  13. DeWinter

    Spring Is Here Event Thread

    Thank you so much for the details mate ! I'll add you right away then ! :D DW.
  14. DeWinter

    Spring Is Here Event Thread

    I don't understand a single word you guys are using lol. What are "FR" ? Bearing-Wall House ? I'm french, good at english, but I'm actually unable to translate these expressions :( By the way, add me ! My friend code : 03gktdg1y !
  15. DeWinter

    Spring Is Here Event Thread

    Thanks y'all ! Hope I'll have my first S3 ! :D DW.
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