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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Recent content by Charles Prince

  1. Charles Prince

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for February 2013 (Part 1)

    This morning I could see everyone's names and also visit all airports!!! What a pleasure to be able to catch up with you all. Still waiting for two items for my first treadmill, and I am still refusing to spend cash on this game, even if there is a special offer. One weird thing though. Last...
  2. Charles Prince

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for January 2013

    Lucky you on Cape Canaveral drops! My drop rate is nearer one in 20! I went 2 days with nothing at all from there, but flying 3 planes almost constantly :( I even resorted to buying a spyglass but that only improved things to about 1 in 4 The only item I have for the treadmill is the...
  3. Charles Prince

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for January 2013

    One Bad Day, have just sent you a shredder. I am going away for 4 days and will be staying in a hotel in Brisbane (if it is not flooded out!!). Have no idea if I will be able to get access to wifi, so that may curtail gifting until Sunday. It is 04:00 and I have been visiting my airport to...
  4. Charles Prince

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for January 2013

    tdv, thanks for accepting my request and many thanks for the fuel :)
  5. Charles Prince

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for January 2013

    I have just sent out friend requests to Sophie, Phantom, tdv and retkot. Many thanks to all our Android friends for helping out.
  6. Charles Prince

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for January 2013

    Has anyone else noticed that there are no more item drops from the Santas houses since the update? I am still getting items from the Brazilian houses and picked up a couple of stadiums recently, but guess that the chance of getting extra fuel drops with the sleighs has now ended. I am...
  7. Charles Prince

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for January 2013

    Trying to send out gifts now. I Fly 2, have just sent you an assembly robot. Hope you still need one? Am just doing send in return for most of the others. Am still trying to work out who is on Android and who on iPad, as not being able to exchange mission items is getting confusing ;) I'm a...
  8. Charles Prince

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for January 2013

    I am also suffering with the problem of only being able to visit those few friends that have proper names, though I can gift to everyone. Gggrrrrrrrr!! I have sent out a few invitations to some new players in the hope of picking up a few people that have the space buildings. Of 35 friends, I...
  9. Charles Prince

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for January 2013

    I'm still away on holiday and getting on to the game whenever possible. Thanks to all for the gifts and I am managing to return these now. I am about to load the new version, having checked the forum and seen that it looks OK to update. Now why am I not surprised that the username issue has...
  10. Charles Prince

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for January 2013

    I'm currently on holiday in Australia (usually live in the UK). There was a short glitch with gifts, presumably due to the time zone change, but all seems to be back to normal now. Access to the game is a bit sporadic but I am sending gifts when I am able. Thanks to all who are still sending...
  11. Charles Prince

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for December (Part 1)

    I Fly 2 I got fuel from you again today. If you can send beacons, that would be great. I'm running really low on them. Suffering from flu at present and barely able to pick up the iPad for the past few days. However, this morning I had all the names back, briefly! I managed to take...
  12. Charles Prince

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for December (Part 1)

    I Fly 2 I received more fuel from you this morning. Are you getting landing lamps from me??
  13. Charles Prince

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for December (Part 1)

    Hi Helen, I got a few gifts from usernames today but have no idea who they are from! I usually just send the same back in those cases. Thanks if one was from you :) My total haul from visiting neighbours today was a measly 5 lanterns and a couple of other items. There was nothing at all from...
  14. Charles Prince

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for December (Part 1)

    Yeah, I thought it must be something to do with different positions of gifts. Please do not apologise for sending fuel, as it is also welcomed ;) I will def send landing lamp so let me know what you receive, if you can see my name still?? I miss visiting your iPad airport, which is awesome!!!
  15. Charles Prince

    iPad Daily Trading Thread for December (Part 1)

    Hi I Fly 2, I'm a bit confused here cos I have received 3 units of fuel from you, twice! Once a few hours ago and once again just now. I will try to send landing lamp back when gifts refresh tomorrow morning. Not sure why fuel arrived instead of lanterns, but I've ceased to be amazed by...
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