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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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View My Signature - bj_airport

Username:bj 'needed item'/Usercode: aq0teq0o/ Level: 30 / Stars: 51
Items Requested:
Ergonomic chair 2, Spaceship launch console 4, All-inclusive bracelet 4, Robot tester 4,
Assembly robot 2

In order of importance to meI will prioritize giving gifts to those who've send me useful items. Please PM me if you want something specific and didn't get it yet!

Items I can send:
Disposable shampoo, Fuel(3), Goal posts, ATM, Chocolate candies, cockpit glass, welder, tour view,
landing lamp, projector, rope block, passenger(10),
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