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iPadOS Thanksgiving Day - unable to complete a task - anyone else?


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Hi everyone,

On the Thanksgiving Day event one task is to Visit a Country House. I've visited mine many times and it never clear the reward. All other tasks work fine. Has anyone else seen this? If so, how did you resolve it? I tried to restart my iPad and it didn't fix it. :(

👧 ⛽
Hi everyone,

On the Thanksgiving Day event one task is to Visit a Country House. I've visited mine many times and it never clear the reward. All other tasks work fine. Has anyone else seen this? If so, how did you resolve it? I tried to restart my iPad and it didn't fix it. :(

👧 ⛽
After 3 days I’m on level 3! Despite flying almost 100 condors and having the city give up 000’s of hats. So far not finished 1 task despite task 2 visit country house and task 3 horseshoe!

I contacted GI and they sent 3 lucky tickets…. Which I didn’t get till I complained a second time… repair in the pipeline….hahahahahahahah🤣🤣🤣🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Though I doubt it will help and may have already been tried.
Visit said building in a neighbors city. I have had those tasks
as well, perhaps they are being glitchy where you should visit.
No. Tried both. No diference. When you ask it to show you , its arrow is your buildings. It really just doesn’t work! Tried visiting neighbours for horseshoe drops too. Makes zero difference.

Also tried restore resources… no difference.

But thanks for the suggestion.,
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