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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Search results

  1. plane fan

    Rock the Sky 2024 Award

    Last minute finish, thanks mods for the badge 👍🍻
  2. plane fan

    Lost all friends via GI Link

    People with similar issues in the past were able to get all their neighbors back by contacting GI support.
  3. plane fan

    issue with event!!!

    Unfortunately I've had the same issue in the past with this particular event. There's no way to refresh to get a different mission, the only way to make it go away is by buying a Falcon and taking the flight. If you don't wanna do that then you can contact GI support and see if they will give...
  4. plane fan

    Awarded 900 stars! (little late)

    Congrats Liz! ⭐ 🍺 🥂
  5. plane fan

    Awarded 600 stars

    Congrats Nongnoi! ⭐ 🍺
  6. plane fan

    Awarded ⭐️⭐️1400⭐️⭐️ yay

    Congrats Teresa, great job! 🏆 🍺🍾
  7. plane fan

    Awarded 1400 ⭐ ⭐

    Congrats @Cayo, so glad to finally see you reach 1400 ⭐! 🍺 🍾
  8. plane fan

    Windows Wind Charm/Lucky Clover corrupted

    Glad to see this issue being reported. I have been having similar issues with these bonuses as well for months, thought it was just me. Whenever I activate either of them and take 2 flights, the count drops to 15, then if I take 4 flights it drops to 10 and so on. Yet another bug GI won't fix...
  9. plane fan

    Spring Is Here Mini-Game

    Yeah, the Musketeers has lost 7 players in the last 48 hours, people are getting really burned out and this event sure didn't help. I don't play the events much anymore since they have just become boring and repetitive at this point.
  10. plane fan

    Spring Is Here Mini-Game

    I did get the AC once or twice last year but it is very rare (only gives you 1 AC). Also have only ever gotten 1 Platinum Chest and that was last year as well.
  11. plane fan

    Android Old Account Recovery

    I would recommend contacting GI support
  12. plane fan

    Giant Cost

    They have always cost 300 000 coins pretty sure
  13. plane fan

    Awarded 1200 stars!

    Congrats Jenn, great job! 🍾 🌟
  14. plane fan

    Awarded 1000 stars!!

    Great job and well done Rick! 🌟🍾
  15. plane fan

    Notification display options

    To keep the warnings for greens but not for the warehouse you can go into Settings and click "Confirmation Pop-ups." It will give warnings for both, but you can click "Don't show this again" for the warehouse warnings and it will stop showing them without stopping the airport cash warnings.
  16. plane fan

    iPadOS Bugs with OTWOL destinations

    I'm having the same issue. So far I haven't been able to fly more than just several Ravens every day, even with 6 each of all 5 romantic buildings available in the Store. I can't think of a way to get any more except just constantly being on the game clicking romantic buildings every few...
  17. plane fan

    Blocked due to high fuel inventory

    I have been blocked 3 times by GI for having too many fuel/pax in the inventory. As Liz said I just uninstalled and reinstalled the game (on my PC) and it removed the ban all 3 times. When I uninstalled the game it gave me a screen asking me if I wanted to save my device or server history, and...
  18. plane fan

    Easter Cheer 2024 Award

    Completed, thanks mods for the badge 👍
  19. plane fan

    Looking for neighbors with bank, mint, or Casino

    What helped me when my game got blocked was simply uninstalling and reinstalling the game and the block was gone. G! refused to do anything and told me my account was permanently banned. Tell him to try that and see if it works.
  20. plane fan

    Awarded Keeps getting faster and faster

    Hahahaha In all seriousness, this was back when ZF rings were all closed. I would've had to wait a while in order to get spots with all the accounts I had. Lol
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