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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Search results

  1. J

    Friday Bonus for May 31, 2024

    https://gigam.es/airport-city/49fis1r3raxh Cheers!
  2. J

    Age of Ash event discussion

    Age of Ash has started! Remember that fuel costs for flights increase every 4 days.
  3. J

    Bonus code for Friday. May 24, 2024

    https://gigam.es/airport-city/lctflfl9pxcn Happy flying all!
  4. J

    The Musketeers are hiring for 2 alliances!

    The Musketeers are hiring players for 2 alliances! We are a group of 4 alliances at different levels, with 47 players. So, there is always someone to chat, launch, or exchange gifts with. We have many players who have been playing the game for years, so we can provide advice for how to grow...
  5. J

    Awarded 1200 stars!

    Whew! Finally got to 1200. Thanks to everyone in MiRoSaGo and MiTenRaBo alliances, as well as my regular gifting partners 🤗
  6. J

    March 15th, 2024 Friday Bonus code

    Happy Friday all! https://gigam.es/airport-city/yl8y6ojozkr7
  7. J

    Winter Dream tip for new-ish players

    Get your Winter Machinery Plant built as soon as you can. All the cars will then start dropping coins, snow shovels, and sometimes greenies! Info on the wiki page: https://www.airportcitygame.com/wiki/winter_machinery_plant/
  8. J

    December 8th Friday bonus!

    Here is today's. Happy Friday all! https://gigam.es/airport-city/7jf21hw3hggz?fbclid=IwAR2RdTqiWotGemN3mDQVRmcpg9AnzvcLQ4nXbTegJgHmTsc8UXDG74mmYV0
  9. J

    MiRoSaGo alliance recruiting new player!

    MiRoSaGo Alliance is looking for a new player! About us: We are a top-50 alliance We have no tasks We request ~100K pax per week, but are flexible as long as we maintain top-50 placing Many of our players are using this flexibility to fly smaller planes to get stars on alliance destinations...
  10. J

    Celestial Festival tip

    The Celestial Festival is back! For all the new-ish players, upgrade your Exhibition Hall as soon as possible! The cars in your city will then drop coins when you click on them. Occasionally they will drop a greenie as well! Have fun getting all the free loot!
  11. J

    Back to School Event building visits

    For all the new(ish) players: The event buildings you need to visit all look very similar. Make sure you are clicking on the correct building levels to complete your tasks for the event. I have 2x of each (SRH = Student Residence Hall ; EC = Educational Center). Code: 20R5Z6LRV
  12. J

    Dear top-20 alliances, can you please tone it down for this next week?

    Hi to all of the top-20 alliances! I know many of you are quite comfortable using the loopholes in the game to get millions of pax every week. We are all quite used to this and have accepted it as a part of playing this game. But for this next week, can you please tone it down and allow our...
  13. J

    Awarded 1100 stars! ✨✨

    Finally got to 1100 stars! Thanks again to the Musketeers and my regular trading partners! 🍻🤗
  14. J

    Awarded 1000 stars!! 🌟🌟🌟

    I finally got to 1000! Thanks again to the Musketeers Alliance, all my regular gifting partners, and the friendly people here on this forum! 🍻🍻🍻
  15. J

    Awarded 900 stars! ✨

    It took a few years, but I made it to 900 stars! Thanks so much to MiRoSaGo and the Musketeers, as well as my gifting partners and helpful neighbors on the forum. Cheers! 🍻
  16. J

    Join the MiRoSaGo or MiTenRaBo Alliance!

    Both the MiRoSaGo and MiTenRaBo alliances have vacancies for interested players! Who are we? - We are a long-standing group of fair-play alliances called the Musketeers, including the MiRoSaGo alliance (with a goal of reaching Top-20 every week), MiTenRaBo alliance (with a goal of reaching...
  17. J

    Awarded 800 stars! ✨✨

    This one took a long time! Thanks so much to MiRoSaGo, the Musketeers, all my regular gifting partners, the wonderful people on this forum, and of course @Dafsade 🍻🍻🍻🍻
  18. J

    Awarded 700 stars!! ✨✨

    I finally made it to 700 stars! ✨ Thanks so much to MiRoSaGo, the Musketeers, all my regular gifting partners, and all the nice, helpful, fun people on this forum!! 🍻🍻🍻🍻
  19. J

    Awarded 600 Stars! ✨✨

    I have finally reached 600 stars! Many, many thanks to MiRoSaGo, the Musketeers, and all my regular gifting partners. Wherever you are, please join me with a nice beverage 🍻🍻🍻🥂🍾🍷
  20. J

    Awarded 500 stars!

    Thanks to all my friends and neighbors! 🍻 🤗
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